One City of Calgary Park that provides excellent opportunities for nature lovers is Carburn Park, located in the Riverbend community, nestled between the Deerfoot and Glenmore Trails. With water flowing year round, numerous wildfowl including two merganser species, several kinds of ducks and trumpeter swans take advantage of what the Bow River has to offer.
Attracting bird watchers and photographers alike, is the opportunity to enjoy the power, majesty and presence of nesting American Bald Eagles at this time of year. In past years a pair of eagles has used a nest located on an island, separated from the main park by a few metres of water. These eagles have favorite perches along the Deerfoot Trail and just down from the Graves Bridge on the west side of the river.
Standing a full 76cm (30 in) in height and weighing in at 7kg (15 lbs), this massive raptor soars to the heights it achieves with wings that span 2m (6.5 feet) in length. On average, female eagles are larger. Juveniles are larger but lighter than adults of the same sex. Adult eagles are monomorphic, with both males and females sporting identical plumage. Adults sport dark brown to almost black body feathers, contrasting sharply with the white head and tail feathers, all united with yellow legs, eyes and beak. Juvenile eagles need four to five years to achieve the white head and tail feathers. It can be easy to confuse juvenile Bald Eagles with either Turkey Vultures or Golden Eagles as all soar in the skies at altitudes up to 4.5kms (15,000 feet). Having incredible vision, eagles can spot prey from up to 3km (2 miles) away. Eagles have both monocular and binocular vision, allowing them to use their eyes independently or together.
Eagles do mate for life and not every year. If one mate dies, the surviving adult will find a new mate. Together, eagle pairs build the largest nests averaging 2m (6 feet) in width. Using the same nest annually, more materials are added thus increasing these nests to enormous sizes. Two eggs are usually laid a few days apart. The female will be nest bound, incubating the eggs for 35 days. Starting at a weight of 90g (3 ounces) these tiny eaglets reach weights up to 5kg (11 pounds) in two months. The male parent gathers food in the early weeks of growth, and is then joined by the female. Appetites are voracious and the eaglets create quite a ruckus, calling out to parents.
Years ago while fly fishing on Sulphur Lake, northwest of Dixonville, Alberta, I watched and listened as one of the adults flew up and down the lake and treed areas. The juvenile, already huge in size, expressed its desire for immediate sustenance. On the lake surface, a brook trout, about a kg in size, was floating on its side. It became clear that the adult had spotted the fish, as it swooped down and with its massive talons, picked up the brook trout. Sharing it initially with the other adult, the fish was then given to the juvenile and devoured.
Eagles, sacred in Canadian Indigenous cultures, are believed to be connected to the Creator, and are messengers taking prayers and messages. Traits such as courage, wisdom, strength and respect are associated with this magnificent raptor. If you are looking for that connection to a higher power, perhaps going for a bald eagle on the Bow, is on your bucket list.

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