A Canadian Perspective

As we have seen Trump’s demands to get nations to jump before he had the power to direct policy, should demonstrate intention. As they say weakness is something to exploit when you’re self serving. Do you think a guy like Kevin O’Leary has Canadian values and sovereign identity best interest in mind when his Dragons den comments are like, it’s all about the money? What does that say to you?
Our Premiere Smith whose decision to not fully engage with the Team Canada approach has not only weakened Canada’s negotiation but will show if Canada supporting Premieres want to legally override that decision if necessary, then be ready for Smith’s predictable blame game focus to start. Do you think this situation in Alberta’s divide is exactly what Trump was hoping for or do you think this will change his mind because of it?
Smith’s statement that building the other pipelines east and west would be the better solution. Really, a solution that would take a decade or more to complete. Do we have that kind of time to manage the hit to our economy? Seems like short sighted leadership in reality.
Thanks to Rachel NDP in supporting the Canadian approved Federal funded transmountain expansion in aiding the tripling the oil production output as recently reported does not mean oil production shut down. Also the concern of stoppage shipping east could also continue immediately by using rail and ships. Consider, why can’t the pipeline that goes east now load ships on the west end of Lake Superior and stay within Canadian waters to deliver supply to the refineries in Ontario and beyond? Wouldn’t this be a faster economical way to resolve a potential and immediate problem of production flow from the west to east while other long term options are started?
If need be how about banning Teslas from entering Canada?
I’ve asked my conservative MP Martin Shields, why won’t Pierre Poilievre get security clearance to allow him to see or be able to be advised first hand on national matters that affect Canada. Also when Canadians are being threatened with economic war why can’t he fully support a team Canada approach when wanting to be a PM of all Canadians? All Canadians are going to have to do their part, not just some of us. Talk to your reps.

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