Hair Massacure Update

Ryan Siemens
This is Prairie Waters Elementary School Principle Ryan Siemens getting his hair shaved for the Hair Massacure Campaign - it looks like lots of students are lining up to try their barbering skills

Prairie Waters Elementary Raises Over $3500

Ryan Siemens
This is Prairie Waters Elementary School Principle Ryan Siemens getting his hair shaved for the Hair Massacure Campaign – it looks like lots of students are lining up to try their barbering skills

CHESTERMERE – You may recall just a few short weeks ago 2 young girls from the Prairie Waters Elementary School got the entire school involved in the first Hair Massacure in Chestermere. The girls, Elizabeth Jossul and her friend Madison Crowe, heard of Hair Massacure from Elizabeth’s Dad, Ron Jossul, who is the manager of the Totem/Rona on 52nd Street SE in Calgary. Hair Massacure was presented to Totem and has carried on now that they have converted to Rona.
Hair Massacure was started by the MacDonald family and is run by Tammy MacDonald whose daughter Kali was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia at the age of 2. She survived and is now a young woman who helps the charity raise money for sick kids with terminal illness.
The girls, Jossul and Crowe thought this is such a wonderful cause they wanted to get involved and did so by taking their ideas to their schoolmates at Prairie Waters Elementary School. The girls went to each classroom and solicited the kids and hoped they would join in on the fundraising. Tammy MacDonald, her daughter Kyrsti and their pink coloured Standard Poodle, Fred, spoke to the school kids one day and told them the story about Hair Massacure and how the charity got its start.
The event is huge in Edmonton which is in its 11th year and the event has now spilled over to Calgary and the surrounding area. This year the funds were going towards the Make A Wish Foundation and the Ronald MacDonald House.
In a recent email from Ron Jossul he indicates, “The total from the school was $3,533.80, we did get the principle Ryan Siemens to shave after all and there were a ton of kids that participated”. “We hope to put more into it next year and we laid some great groundwork”.
According to Tammy MacDonald the event on March 1 in Calgary brought in close to 37,000 (not including the very fine efforts of the Rona Stores).
The school sold hundreds of Kali Bears and Pink Hard Hats to help raise funds. Many people donated money and others dyed their hair PINK. Thanks to students Elizabeth and Madison for their passion in organizing this fundraiser. Awesome job, girls!
Hair Massacure is still tallying up incoming pledges and will be announcing the final total for all of the locations across Alberta on April 30.

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About the author


Ross McClelland

1 Comment

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  • Great article Ross, thank you so much!
    Special thanks to Ron and Ryan for your support!
    Freddy (our pink poodle – now sheepdog) loved his visit too!

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